Test / Screening Fee:
0.00Courier Charges:
0.00Basic Processing Charges:
220.00Total Charges:
220.00Test / Screening Fee:
0.00Courier Charges:
0.00Advance Processing Charges:
0.00Total Charges:
0.00Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Gilgit Baltistan
Qualification and experience:
a) Masters degree in business, technology, management, finance, economics, commerce or related field from HEC recognized University. Foreign degree holder shall be given preference
b) Bachelors degree in business, technology, management, finance, economics, commerce or related field from HEC recognized University. Foreign degree holder shall be given preference
In case of (a), Minimum 15 years of post-qualification experience and minimum 5 years’ experience in an executive leadership role. Foreign experience of Multinational companies, financial institutions shall be preferred
In case of (b), Minimum 20 years of post-qualification experience and minimum 5 years’ experience in an executive leadership role. Foreign experience of Multinational companies, financial institutions shall be preferred
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