Test / Screening Fee:
5000.00Courier Charges:
0.00Basic Processing Charges:
220.00Total Charges:
5,220.00Test / Screening Fee:
5000.00Courier Charges:
0.00Advance Processing Charges:
0.00Total Charges:
Qualification and experience:
He / She shall have a degree in Law from a recognized University entitling him to practice the profession of law or is a member of the Faculty of Advocates of Scotland;
An advocate who has actively practiced the law profession for not less than 02 years after being enrolled as an advocate. (Two years practiced as an advocate shall be counted from the date when the Advocate enrolled himself/herself with any Bar Association under Rule 7.10 read with Rule 7.12 of The Punjab Legal Practitioners and Bar Council Rules, 1974), with fulfilling the criteria laid down under Rule-7 of Punjab Judicial Service Rules, 1994.
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