Test / Screening Fee:
2950.00Courier Charges:
140.00Basic Processing Charges:
400.00Total Charges:
3,490.00Test / Screening Fee:
2950.00Courier Charges:
140.00Advance Processing Charges:
800.00Total Charges:
Qualification and experience:
For BPS-19
Ph.D in the relevant subject from an HEC-Recognized University/Institution along with a valid PNC/PN&MC License.
2 years of Teaching Experience is required in the relevant field from an HEC-Recognized University/Institute.
02 Research Publications in Journals Recognized jointly by HEC and PNC/PN&MC.
For BPS-18
MSN/MSPH in the relevant subject from an HEC-Recognized University/Institution along with a valid PNC/PN&MC License.
5 years of Teaching Experience is required in the relevant field from an HEC-Recognized University/Institute.
02 Research Publications in Journals Recognized jointly by HEC and PNC/PN&MC.
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