Test / Screening Fee:
5450.00Courier Charges:
140.00Basic Processing Charges:
400.00Total Charges:
5,990.00Test / Screening Fee:
5450.00Courier Charges:
140.00Advance Processing Charges:
800.00Total Charges:
Qualification and Experience:
PhD or FCPS or MD or MS or MDS after MBBS or BDS or equivalent qualification from an institute or a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission and Ten years' teaching or administrative or examination branch. experience in an institute or a Board or un 'ersity recognized by the Higher Education Commission. OR M.Phil. or MPH or MBBS or BDS or equivalent qualification from an institute or a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission and Twelve years' relevant experience in a college or teaching hospital or institute or a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission. OR MA or MSc or MBA or MCS or equivalent qualification from an institute or a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission; and Fifteen years' experience in BPS-18 and above in an examination branch of an institute or a university or Board recognized by the Higher Education Commission.
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