Test / Screening Fee:
0.00Courier Charges:
140.00Basic Processing Charges:
400.00Total Charges:
540.00Test / Screening Fee:
0.00Courier Charges:
140.00Advance Processing Charges:
800.00Total Charges:
Qualification and Experience:
MBBS or equivalent medical qualification recognized by the PMC and the following postgraduate qualifications in the subject: D.Sc., Ph.D., M.D., M.Phil. (Pak) or equivalent qualifications recognized by the PMCCredit will be given for original research work published in a standard medical journal and teaching experience in recognized institution If none qualification then: with above is available Postgraduate Minor Diploma in the subject recognized by the PMC and 3 years teaching experience as Demonstrator Credit will be given for original research work published in a standard medical journal and Preference will be given to experience in the relevant
subject and Preference will be given to original research work published in standard medical journals.
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