Test / Screening Fee:
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140.00Basic Processing Charges:
400.00Total Charges:
540.00Test / Screening Fee:
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140.00Advance Processing Charges:
800.00Total Charges:
Qualification and Experience:
MBBS or equivalent medical qualification fully recognized by PMDC/PMC and the following post graduate qualification in the subject: AND D.Sc, Ph.D, FCPS, M.D, M.Phil (Pak) or equivalent qualifications recognized by the PMDC/PMC. Credit will be given for original research work published in a standard Medical Journal and teaching experience in recognized institution If none with the above qualifications is available then: Postgraduate Minor Diploma in the subject recognized by the PMDC and 3 years teaching as experience Demonstrator: AND 07 years experience as Professor Assistant and at papers published in least 5 research standard medical journal while working as Assistant Professor and 05 years teaching experience in the s an Assistant Professor or an equivalent recognized by PMDC in the basic special and At least three (03) research papers in 5 years published in standard medical as journals while working Assistant Professor.
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