Test / Screening Fee:
0.00Courier Charges:
0.00Basic Processing Charges:
400.00Total Charges:
400.00Test / Screening Fee:
0.00Courier Charges:
0.00Advance Processing Charges:
800.00Total Charges:
Qualification and Experience:
16 Years of education or higher degree in Environmental Engineering/ Sciences from a HEC-recognized university. Minimum four (04) years of post-qualification experience of professional and technical experience with an increasing level of responsibility in environmental analysis. Must have demonstrated experience in developing IEEs, EIAs, and EMMPs required under public sector environmental regulations. Experience in preparing Social Assessment Reports (SAR), Social Management Plans (SMPs), and Resettlement & Rehabilitation Action Plans (RAPs) as required in compliance with ESF. Working knowledge of Local Government Systems and regulatory frameworks will be an added advantage.
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