Test / Screening Fee:
425.00Courier Charges:
0.00Basic Processing Charges:
400.00Total Charges:
825.00Test / Screening Fee:
425.00Courier Charges:
0.00Advance Processing Charges:
800.00Total Charges:
Qualification and Experience:
Bachelor’s degree (Honors) or equivalent (16 years education) (at least 2nd division) from an HEC-recognized university and Driving Skill (Motorcycle/Car/LTV) and For Male: i. BMI: 27 ii. Height without shoes: 173 cm iii. One mile Running: For qualifying minimum of 09 minutes iv. Chest Measurement: • Non-Expanded – 34” • Expanded – 36” or above and For Females: i. BMI: 27 ii. Height without shoes: 162 cm iii. One mile Running: For qualifying minimum of 14 minutes Eyesight: 6/6 with glasses, Color blind is not eligible
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