Test / Screening Fee:
0.00Courier Charges:
0.00Basic Processing Charges:
400.00Total Charges:
400.00Test / Screening Fee:
0.00Courier Charges:
0.00Advance Processing Charges:
800.00Total Charges:
Qualification and Experience:
PhD degree with 18 years experience in the relevant field in BPS-17 and above or equivalent in a Government/ Semi-Government organization including five years service in BPS-20 or equivalent. or MPhil with 20 years experience in the relevant field in BPS-17 and above or equivalent in a Government/ Semi-Government organization including five years service in BPS-20 or equivalent or Master’s degree with 22 years experience in the relevant field in BPS-17 and above or equivalent in a Government/ Semi-Government organization including five years service in BPS-20 or equivalent. Candidates having research publications in journals of international repute will be preferred
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