Test / Screening Fee:
2450.00Courier Charges:
140.00Basic Processing Charges:
400.00Total Charges:
2,990.00Test / Screening Fee:
2450.00Courier Charges:
140.00Advance Processing Charges:
800.00Total Charges:
Qualification and Experience:
Bachelor's degree in electrical, Computer, Software, Avionics, Mechatronics, Telecom, Electronics Engineering Or a related field having: Embedded Systems and Robotics ROS, RTOS, Nvidia's CUDA C/GPU's, Flight Controllers, Drone Design and Development, Drone Flying, etc. Computer Vision/Deep Learning, Real-Time Image Processing, Al on the Edge, AVML Application development and deployment. Adhoc Wireless Communication and Networks, FPGA and Embedded Systems Programming, ArduPilot and MAVROS for unmanned aerial/ground vehicles.
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